Outside Lands 2018: From female headliners to cannabis culture, how the festival's promoters plan to keep things fresh

動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/bubble tea machine/bubble tea machine?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw

◎ Outside Lands 2018: From female headliners to cannabis culture, how the festival's promoters plan to keep things fresh  2018-08-02
  - Outside Lands 2018: From female headliners to cannabis culture, how the festival's promoters plan to keep things fresh  San Francisco Chronicle 【 https://www.sfchronicle.com/entertainment/article/Outside-Lands-2018-From-female-headliners-to-13123820.php 】
◎ Feature: Asian fest brings cate to Ottawa  2018-07-30
  - Feature: Asian fest brings cate to Ottawa  Xinhua 【 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-07/30/c_137356087.htm 】
◎ Celebrate Bastille Day at one of NYC's newest French restaurants  2018-07-12
  - Celebrate Bastille Day at one of NYC's newest French restaurants  Hoodline 【 https://hoodline.com/2018/07/celebrate-bastille-day-at-one-of-nyc-s-newest-french-restaurants 】
◎ A New Place for Cask Ale and More Seattle Food News You Can Use: July 6, 2018 Edition  2018-07-07
  - A New Place for Cask Ale and More Seattle Food News You Can Use: July 6, 2018 Edition  TheStranger.com 【 https://www.thestranger.com/things-to-do/2018/07/06/28787872/a-new-place-for-cask-ale-and-more-seattle-food-news-you-can-use-july-6-2018-edition 】
◎ Border Patrol agents find undocumented immigrants in boxes marked 'fragile'  2018-07-31
  - Border Patrol agents find undocumented immigrants in boxes marked 'fragile'  Fox11online.com 【 https://fox11online.com/news/nation-world/border-patrol-agents-find-undocumented-immigrants-in-boxes-marked-fragile 】

