Bubble Tea: A Fun Way To Beat The Heat

動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/bubble tea equipment/bubble tea equipment?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw

◎ Bubble Tea: A Fun Way To Beat The Heat  2018-06-29
  - Bubble Tea: A Fun Way To Beat The Heat  The Two River Times 【 http://tworivertimes.com/bubble-tea-a-fun-way-to-beat-the-heat/ 】
◎ Kao's Pâtè Sandwiches & Bubble Tea planned for downtown Elkhart  2018-06-22
  - Kao's Pâtè Sandwiches & Bubble Tea planned for downtown Elkhart  South Bend Tribune 【 https://www.southbendtribune.com/news/diningalaking/kao-s-p-t-sandwiches-bubble-tea-planned-for-downtown/article_075bb033-af77-527f-803e-0285c14fdedf.html 】
◎ DINING A LA KING: Kao family serves fresh, healthy food fast  2018-06-24
  - DINING A LA KING: Kao family serves fresh, healthy food fast  Goshen News 【 http://www.goshennews.com/news/lifestyles/dining-a-la-king-kao-family-serves-fresh-healthy-food/article_4b931d36-bebc-53b4-bdf7-03ff03bea37e.html 】
◎ Malaysia's Loob taps into China's tea market  2018-06-12
  - Malaysia's Loob taps into China's tea market  Xinhua 【 http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-06/12/c_137248696.htm 】
◎ Synnex strengthens finance options through automation  2018-06-25
  - Synnex strengthens finance options through automation  ARNnet 【 https://www.arnnet.com.au/article/642887/synnex-strengthens-finance-options-through-automation/ 】


【關鍵字標籤】 嘉義火車站附近美食  嘉義伴手禮  客家傳統麻醬乾麵食譜